A motivational book by a local writer... I should have bought the first book... this is her second book... I have started reading... very interesting... 18 inspirational stories from ordinary life experiences...
Yesterday morning I was out quite early in the morning to do my groceries at the giant hypermarket in Senawang. Before entering the supermarket, we singgah at the MPH and Sarah grabbed Aku Mahu Buli by Ain Maisarah and Hajar was forced to take the Program Mudah Baca book 1-4. No coloring books this time. Hajar reluctantly agreed with me... For me... nothing... since nothing interest me... not much of choice here since the bookstore was small..
After we have done with the groceries, we rushed home. It was already 1.00 p.m. and Babah has to go for Friday prayer...
After Friday prayer, Angah called me saying that she was on her way from Bangi to balik kampung. The traffic was quite slow as everyone were rushing out the city.. She planned to singgah at Jusco, Seremban 2 for lunch as all her children only have breakfast before the journey. I agreed to meet her there and about 3 p.m. all of us except Babah were on our way.
We met up at infront of MPH bookstore.. This time I have to get something for myself... The girls, Angah's 4 girls and a son and mine 3 girls, altogether aged between 15 (Nadia) and 2 (Maryam). They (except for Nadia, Sarah and Haqim) ran happily playing hide-and-seek inside the bookstore and grabbed one princess activity book for each of themselves.. The mommies (me and Angah), Nadia and Sarah were busy browsing through all the shelves at our favourite sections..
Finally, I have to pay quite a handsome amount of money for all the selections made by me and my 3 girls (books as above). I got the Sanctuary by Nora Roberts, 500 Pai dan Tart by Rebecca Baugniet (translated to BM), a motivational book Life is an Open Secret - You, Me and We by Zabrina Abu Bakar, Cupcakes, Muffins and Scones by Azza Pawanchik and Nadia's a bunch of PMR books. Hope she would produce the best result she could... InsyaAllah... please pray for her success and our children success be it in education or in their lives...Amin....
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