I was 'forced' by a friend to jahit manik for her sister's baju kurung yesterday. Once, I dah pernah jahit manik for a baju kurung for the other sister's of her last year.
Before that she came over to my workstation and asked whether I be able to jahit manik for a baju kurung batik. I straight away told her "tak boleh la kak sebab I tengah jahit baju orang lain ni". But then I asked her "nak pakai bila?". She replied "hujung bulan ni, ada dinner". I said "Ooo lagi la tak boleh sebab nak kena siapkan baju orang tu by hujung bulan ni". I continue by saying "sorrylah ya kak memang tak dapat, kalau bulan depan bolehlah".
Actually, I was kind of throwing words by saying that with the hope that she would surrender eventhough I was quite tempted with the offer. I kan suka beading ni. Then looking dissapointed she said "OKlah nanti akak beritahu adik akak". That was the Part I punya conversation.
Later, in the afternoon, in between my department's meeting, I came out of the meeting room and was on the way to the ladies, I selisih with the kakak again. Surprisingly she said "hah Ain, adik akak kata tak kisahlah lambat pun tak pe lah. Next month pun bolehlah". I was surprised but then I heard myself was saying "ye ke... lambat pun tak pe. Oklah." Then the kakak said "nanti akak bagi baju tu kat Ain ya". I can't believe myself. That was one of my weaknesses, not be able to say NO. Sebenarnya tak sampai hati to dissappoint other people.. That was the end of the Part II conversation.
I pun teringat, bila celah pulak nak jahit manik lagi ni... Tak pe lah... jahit dulu bag for Suraya lepas tu baru jahit manik... dia kan kata lambat sikit tak pe.......
Bertambah satu projek next month.... bukan mengeluh tapi ... tu lah tak cukup tangan rasanya...
And..just now the kakak came over to my workstation and gave me the baju kurung batik for me to jahit manik sekreatif yang boleh... She said sambil ketawa kecil "nah Ain, pandai-pandai lah" I said "Ok lah kak". I smiled.
Deep inside me, I'm glad that ada jugak orang yang suka dengan hasil kerjatangan I ....