Tuesday, June 15, 2010


sepasang cendawan and anak cendawan??

this was real... not artificial tau...
Those mushroom were spotted infront of my neighbor's front gate. It was quite a not so normal for me to find quite a big size of those ... and quickly grabbed my camera and snapped them. Besar jugak sizenya for a normal mushroom, kalau button mushroom ke, cendawan busut ke tak pernah la jumpa this big... the diameter was about 5~6 inches...


  1. cendawan jenis ni boleh makan ke tak ye? setengah cendawan tumbuh macam ni ada yg beracun kan...

  2. lady, i dont think ni jenis yang boleh dimakan.. tak bagi my daughter pegang takut beracun..

  3. cantik kan .. mcm rumah Smurf !


  4. kak ain, elok pulak cendawan ni tumbuh kat rumput ni ya. species apa la gamaknya ni?


**Thank you and have a nice day ahead**