Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Twillight.. Eclipse


gambar ehsan pakcik google
Have you watch this vampire and human recently? We did during the weekend. Sebabnya... all my three daughters peminat tegar this twillight thing. So, my husband and I pun pi lah tengok. Ok lah not bad. More to teenagers and youngters, I guess. I am not in the same league anymore..... dah masuk geng mak orang dah...

Kat asteruk tu dah berapa kali tayang the first twillight ni... entah berapa kalilah dia orang nak tengok tak jemu-jemu. Siap beli DVD lagi. Hai.... layan je lah...


  1. hehehe... tu la ramai tu peminat cerita ni kan.. i belum berkesempatan tengok lagi..

  2. lady, orang muda belia macam you ni sure seronok tengok cita ni... enjoy.


**Thank you and have a nice day ahead**